Lawn pests can ruin your lawn, transmit diseases and cause allergy problems, but they can be treated. The Grass Company can successfully take care of the following problems in your garden:

Casting Worms

Of the 25 species of UK earthworms, only 3 are responsible for worm casts. Worm casts form ideal sites for weed establishment, encourage turf disease, disrupt playing surfaces and attract moles. Casts are present in spring and autumn. Most soils with PH 6.5-7.5.

Casting Worms
Casting Worms


Leatherjackets are the larval stage of the cranefly (Tipula spp). Legless, brown-grey or earth-coloured and 4cm long when fully grown. Turf is damaged by the larvae eating grass roots and stems in the autumn and spring. Most soils.

Leather Jackets

Chafer Grubs

Chafer grubs are white, fleshy grubs with brown heads and 3 pairs of legs on the front segments. Grubs live for 1-3 years before adult beetles emerge. Patches of dead or dying grass similar to that caused by leatherjackets are caused by the grubs. Most soil types.

Chafer Grubs
Chafer Grubs

Frit Fly

Problem in young turf. The adult fly lays its eggs on the shoots of young grasses and the emerging maggots burrow into the young shoots, causing withering of the affected plants. Up to 3 generations of Frit Fly can occur in one year.

Frit Fly
Frit Fly